Odessa Animal Sanctuary is excited and honored to be one of the many charities chosen for the 27th Community Harvest Program, of which the company donates 5 percent of all diners’ checks to charities selected by the guests. (guests pay nothing extra for their meals) Over the last 26 years, the Columbia Restaurant’s Community Harvest has donated more than $4 million to non-profit organizations throughout Florida. EAT WELL; DO GOOD and we thank you for voting for Odessa Animal Sanctuary!! For the Month of September, Ballots will be distributed in at all seven Columbia Restaurants and Columbia Cafe locations as well as these other 1905 Family brands: Cha Cha Coconuts Ulele, Goody Goody Burgers and Casa Santo Stefano.
#eatwelldogood #columbiarestaurantt #chachacoconutsbar #uleletampa #goodygoodyburgers #casasantostefano